Limbo Boot Failed Could Not Read From Cd Rom (Code 0003)


Booting on Windows XP CD-Rom from Bochs 2.0



  • Damien Persohn


    I try to boot from a Windows XP Pro CD-Rom ISO generated by dd under Linux/PowerPC (MacOS Ten doesn't desire dd if=/dev/rdisk1). Here's a snapshot of what I get :

    Plex86/Bochs VGABios 0.3b 23 November 2002
    This VGA/VBE Bios is released nether the GNU LGPL

    Please visit :

    Bochs VBE Display Adapter enabled

    Bochs BIOS, 1 cpu, $Revision: 1.85 $ $Date: 2002/12/xiii xvi:26:17 $

    ata0 master: Disque dur ATA-2 Hard-Disk (9 MBytes)
    ata1 primary: Lecteur CD ATAPI-iv CD-Rom/DVD-Rom

    CDROM kick failure code : 0008
    Boot from CD-Rom failed
    FATAL: Could non read the boot deejay

    So I've read the User Guide :
    0x08     boot itemize : bad header
    I don't understand because the ISO prototype is exactly equal to the CD-ROM.

    May you assist me ? I use Bochs two.0 under MacOS X.ane.5.

    • Adrian Sanabria

      I have a similar problem with some pocket-size differences. My host system is Windows 2000, I am using Bochs ii.0, and I am trying to boot Bochs off of a Windows2000 Professional CD. The error I get is the following:

      CDROM boot failure code : 0003
      Boot from CD-Rom failed
      FATAL: Could not read the boot deejay

      And so, I become CDROM kick failure code 0003 instead of 0008. I get 0003 when trying to utilise a concrete cd in the cdrom bulldoze, or an ISO file of the CD. The same problem also occurrs with different copies and versions of the Windows 2000 professional person CD.

    • Christophe Bothamy

      How-do-you-do guys,

      I successfully booted win xp and win 2k cdroms in bochs.

      Damien, please transport me the first 100k (compressed) of your iso. I want to know why y'all get error eight. It should really not happen.

      Adrian, yous either don't have cdrom back up compiled in Bochs, or made a mistake in your conf file. Please cheque your log file to see if the cdrom is detected. Y'all should have something like (it's probably a little flake different on win2k) :
      00000000000i-0x0000fff0-[Hard disk   ] CD on ata0-one: '/dev/cdrom'
      00000000000i-0x0000fff0-[CD   ] load cdrom with path=/dev/cdrom
      00000000000i-0x0000fff0-[CD   ] Using direct access for cdrom.
      00000000000i-0x0000fff0-[Hard disk drive   ] Media present in CD-ROM drive
      00000000000i-0x0000fff0-[CD   ] cdrom: Information rails 1, length 248466

    • David Saylor

      In my instance, there seems to be a general trouble booting from (and peradventure reading from) my CDs and CD image files.

      I take gotten error codes 0002 and 0003 from either Physical drive or paradigm file while trying to boot a number of windows installation CDs including Win 95, Win 2000 Pro, Win 2000 Server and Win XP Pro. I have attempted to install Win XP Pro and Win 2000 Server using floppy boot disk sets. In each case, boot and install proceeds fine from floppy images until the terminal floppy is read and presumably, the OS tries to access the CD. At that point installation fails with the blue screen of expiry.

      Here is my BochSrc.txt file:
      display_library: win32
      romimage: file=bios/BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xf0000
      megs: 128
      vgaromimage: bios/VGABIOS-elpin-two.xl
      ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
      ata1: enabled=0, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15
      ata0-main: type=disk, path=disks\c.img, cylinders=20317, heads=16, spt=63
      ata1-master: type=cdrom, path=disks\win2kpro.iso, status=inserted
      newharddrivesupport: enabled=1
      boot: cdrom
      log: bochsout.txt
      panic: action=inquire
      error: action=study
      info: activity=report
      debug: action=ignore
      debugger_log: debugger.out
      vga_update_interval: 300000
      keyboard_serial_delay: 250
      keyboard_paste_delay: 100000
      floppy_command_delay: 500
      ips: 15000000
      pit: realtime=1
      mouse: enabled=0
      private_colormap: enabled=0
      fullscreen: enabled=0
      screenmode: proper noun="sample"
      keyboard_mapping: enabled=0, map=
      user_shortcut: keys=ctrlaltdel

      and my BochsOut.txt file:
      00000000000i[MEM0 ] allocated memory at 01390020. after alignment, vector=01391000
      00000000000i[MEM0 ] 128.00MB
      00000000000i[MEM0 ] rom at 0xf0000/65536 ('bios/BIOS-bochs-latest')
      00000000000i[MEM0 ] rom at 0xc0000/32769 ('bios/VGABIOS-elpin-2.40')
      00000000000i[CMOS ] Setting initial clock to: Thu May 29 08:22:40 2003 (time0=1054210960)
      00000000000i[DMA  ] aqueduct iv used by cascade
      00000000000i[DMA  ] channel 2 used by Floppy Drive
      00000000000i[FDD  ] fd0: 'Disks\CDBoot1.img' ro=0, h=2,t=lxxx,spt=18
      00000000000i[FDD  ] tried to open b: read/write: No such file or directory
      00000000000i[FDD  ] tried to open b: read simply: No such file or directory
      00000000000i[FDD  ] fd1: 'b:' ro=ane, h=0,t=0,spt=0
      00000000000i[VGA  ] interval=300000
      00000000000i[VGA  ] VBE Bochs Display Extension Enabled
      00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'harddrv' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'keyboard' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'serial' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'sb16' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'harddrv' plugin device past virtual method
      00000000000i[HD   ] HD on ata0-0: 'disks\c.img'
      00000000000i[HD   ] CD on ata1-0: 'disks\win2kpro.iso'
      00000000000i[CD   ] load cdrom with path=disks\win2kpro.iso
      00000000000i[CD   ] Opening epitome file as a cd
      00000000000i[CD   ] Using direct access for CDROM
      00000000000i[Hard disk drive   ] Media present in CD-ROM drive
      00000000000i[HD   ] translation on ata0-0 set to 'lba'
      00000000000i[Hd   ] Boot device will be 'cdrom'
      00000000000i[Hard disk drive   ] Floppy boot signature check is enabled
      00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'keyboard' plugin device past virtual method
      00000000000i[KBD  ] volition paste characters every 1000 keyboard ticks
      00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'serial' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[SER  ] com1 at 0x3f8/viii irq 4
      00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[PAR  ] parallel port 1 at 0x378
      00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'sb16' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[SB16 ] midi=1,/dev/midi00  moving ridge=1,/dev/dsp  log=2,sb16.log  dmatimer=600000
      00000000000i[DMA  ] aqueduct one used by SB16
      00000000000i[     ] reset of 'harddrv' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] reset of 'keyboard' plugin device past virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] reset of 'serial' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] reset of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
      00000000000i[     ] reset of 'sb16' plugin device by virtual method
      00000004256i[BIOS ]  rombios.c,v 2003/01/16 21:58:42 cbothamy Exp $
      00000375073i[KBD  ] reset-disable control received
      00000607881i[Hard disk   ] enabling LBA mode
      00000613952i[BIOS ] ata0-0: PCHS=20317/16/63 translation=lba LCHS=1024/255/63
      00000631991e[Hard disk drive   ] device ready to 1 which does not exist
      00000641571i[BIOS ] CDROM boot failure lawmaking : 0002
      00000646912i[BIOS ] Boot from CD-Rom failed
      00000654624i[BIOS ] FATAL: Could not read the boot disk
      00000654923p[BIOS ] >>PANIC<< BIOS panic at rombios.c, line 1563
      00000654923i[SYS  ] Concluding time is 1054210960
      00000654923i[CPU  ] real mode
      00000654923i[CPU  ] CS.d_b = 16 chip
      00000654923i[CPU  ] SS.d_b = sixteen bit
      00000654923i[CPU  ] | EAX=0000061b  EBX=0000db2b  ECX=00080000  EDX=00000401
      00000654923i[CPU  ] | ESP=0000ffc2  EBP=0000ffd4  ESI=0000004c  EDI=00000003
      00000654923i[CPU  ] | IOPL=0 NV UP DI PL NZ NA PO NC
      00000654923i[CPU  ] | SEG selector     base    limit Grand D
      00000654923i[CPU  ] | SEG sltr(index|ti|rpl)     base    limit Yard D
      00000654923i[CPU  ] |  DS:0000( 0000| 0|  0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
      00000654923i[CPU  ] |  ES:0080( 0000| 0|  0) 00000800 0000ffff 0 0
      00000654923i[CPU  ] |  FS:0000( 0000| 0|  0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
      00000654923i[CPU  ] |  GS:0000( 0000| 0|  0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
      00000654923i[CPU  ] |  SS:0000( 0000| 0|  0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
      00000654923i[CPU  ] |  CS:f000( 0000| 0|  0) 000f0000 0000ffff 0 0
      00000654923i[CPU  ] | EIP=0000089a (00000899)
      00000654923i[CPU  ] | CR0=0x60000010 CR1=0x00000000 CR2=0x00000000
      00000654923i[CPU  ] | CR3=0x00000000 CR4=0x00000000
      00000654923i[     ] restoring default betoken behavior
      00000654923i[CTRL ] quit_sim called with exit code 1

      After reading some posts, I tried varying my IPS settings - by adding and removing additional 0s onto the end - didn't seem to make whatever difference.

      My C: paradigm is a new blank unformatted 2GB epitome file merely created using bxImage.exe and my host OS is Windows XP Pro. I am running on an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (two.0 GHz) with 896 MB Ram.

      Whatever assistance in resolving this effect would be appreciated.


    • Anonymous

      I had a like trouble with error code 002 trying to boot with a Win98SE CD. I found that doing the following fixed information technology for me.

      Comment out the line - ata1: enabled=0, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15

      Change - ata1-primary: type=cdrom, path=disks\win2kpro.iso, status=inserted - to - ata0-slave: type=cdrom, path=disks\win2kpro.iso, condition=inserted

      Not sure if their is a trouble with the ata code merely I could not get information technology stable with the CD on ata-1

      • David Saylor

        Dainty try talisman. Just that merely gave me error code 0004 instead of 0002 or 0003:

        00000000000i[     ] Bochs x86 Emulator 2.0.cvs
        00000000000i[     ]   Build from CVS, afterward ii.0
        00000000000i[     ] Organisation configuration
        00000000000i[     ]   processors: 1
        00000000000i[     ]   A20 line back up: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   APIC support: no
        00000000000i[     ] CPU configuration
        00000000000i[     ]   level: 5
        00000000000i[     ]   fpu back up: yeah
        00000000000i[     ]   paging support: yes, tlb enabled: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   mmx support: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   sse support: no
        00000000000i[     ]   v8086 mode back up: yeah
        00000000000i[     ]   PAE back up: no
        00000000000i[     ]   PGE support: no
        00000000000i[     ]   PSE support: no
        00000000000i[     ]   x86-64 support: no
        00000000000i[     ]   SEP support: no
        00000000000i[     ] Optimization configuration
        00000000000i[     ]   Guest2HostTLB support: yeah
        00000000000i[     ]   RepeatSpeedups back up: aye
        00000000000i[     ]   Icache support: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   Host Asm back up: yep
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] 0.00MB
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] allocated retention at 0185000C. subsequently alignment, vector=01851000
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] 128.00MB
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] rom at 0xf0000/65536 ('bios/BIOS-bochs-latest')
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] rom at 0xc0000/32769 ('bios/VGABIOS-elpin-2.twoscore')
        00000000000i[CMOS ] Setting initial clock to: Thu May 29 21:thirteen:08 2003 (time0=1054257188)
        00000000000i[DMA  ] channel 4 used by pour
        00000000000i[DMA  ] channel 2 used by Floppy Drive
        00000000000i[FDD  ] fd0: 'a:' ro=0, h=2,t=fourscore,spt=18
        00000000000i[FDD  ] tried to open b: read/write: No such file or directory
        00000000000i[FDD  ] tried to open up b: read but: No such file or directory
        00000000000i[FDD  ] fd1: 'b:' ro=1, h=0,t=0,spt=0
        00000000000i[WGUI ] IME disabled
        00000000000i[VGA  ] interval=300000
        00000000000i[VGA  ] VBE Bochs Display Extension Enabled
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'harddrv' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'keyboard' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'serial' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'extfpuirq' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'harddrv' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[Hd   ] HD on ata0-0: 'disks\c.img' 'flat' manner
        00000000000i[HD   ] CD on ata0-1: 'DISKS\Win2kPro.iso'
        00000000000i[CD   ] load cdrom with path=DISKS\Win2kPro.iso
        00000000000i[CD   ] Opening image file as a cd
        00000000000i[CD   ] Using straight access for CDROM
        00000000000i[Hd   ] Media present in CD-ROM drive
        00000000000i[HD   ] translation on ata0-0 set to 'lba'
        00000000000i[Hard disk   ] Boot device volition be 'cdrom'
        00000000000i[Hd   ] Floppy boot signature check is enabled
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'keyboard' plugin device past virtual method
        00000000000i[KBD  ] volition paste characters every 1000 keyboard ticks
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'serial' plugin device past virtual method
        00000000000i[SER  ] com1 at 0x3f8/viii irq four
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[PAR  ] parallel port 1 at 0x378
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'extfpuirq' plugin device past virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'harddrv' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'keyboard' plugin device past virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'serial' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'extfpuirq' plugin device by virtual method
        00000004256i[BIOS ]  rombios.c,five 1.85.2.ane 2003/01/16 21:58:42 cbothamy Exp $
        00000375073i[KBD  ] reset-disable command received
        00053487738i[HD   ] enabling LBA mode
        00053493809i[BIOS ] ata0-0: PCHS=20317/16/63 translation=lba LCHS=1024/255/63
        00053512941i[HD   ] enabling LBA mode
        00053540006i[BIOS ] CDROM kicking failure code : 0004
        00053545347i[BIOS ] Boot from CD-Rom failed
        00053553059i[BIOS ] FATAL: Could non read the kicking deejay
        00053553358p[BIOS ] >>PANIC<< BIOS panic at rombios.c, line 1563

        I remember I'll endeavour trivial with my IPS setting some more and maybe recreate my image files.

      • David Saylor

        Squeamish try talisman. Merely that just gave me fault lawmaking 0004 instead of 0002 or 0003:

        00000000000i[     ] Bochs x86 Emulator 2.0.cvs
        00000000000i[     ]   Build from CVS, after 2.0
        00000000000i[     ] Organisation configuration
        00000000000i[     ]   processors: 1
        00000000000i[     ]   A20 line support: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   APIC back up: no
        00000000000i[     ] CPU configuration
        00000000000i[     ]   level: five
        00000000000i[     ]   fpu support: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   paging support: yes, tlb enabled: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   mmx support: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   sse support: no
        00000000000i[     ]   v8086 way support: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   PAE back up: no
        00000000000i[     ]   PGE support: no
        00000000000i[     ]   PSE support: no
        00000000000i[     ]   x86-64 support: no
        00000000000i[     ]   SEP support: no
        00000000000i[     ] Optimization configuration
        00000000000i[     ]   Guest2HostTLB support: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   RepeatSpeedups back up: yes
        00000000000i[     ]   Icache support: aye
        00000000000i[     ]   Host Asm support: yes
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] 0.00MB
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] allocated retention at 0185000C. afterward alignment, vector=01851000
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] 128.00MB
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] rom at 0xf0000/65536 ('bios/BIOS-bochs-latest')
        00000000000i[MEM0 ] rom at 0xc0000/32769 ('bios/VGABIOS-elpin-2.40')
        00000000000i[CMOS ] Setting initial clock to: Thu May 29 21:13:08 2003 (time0=1054257188)
        00000000000i[DMA  ] channel 4 used past cascade
        00000000000i[DMA  ] aqueduct 2 used by Floppy Drive
        00000000000i[FDD  ] fd0: 'a:' ro=0, h=two,t=lxxx,spt=18
        00000000000i[FDD  ] tried to open b: read/write: No such file or directory
        00000000000i[FDD  ] tried to open b: read merely: No such file or directory
        00000000000i[FDD  ] fd1: 'b:' ro=ane, h=0,t=0,spt=0
        00000000000i[WGUI ] IME disabled
        00000000000i[VGA  ] interval=300000
        00000000000i[VGA  ] VBE Bochs Display Extension Enabled
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'harddrv' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'keyboard' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'serial' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_mem of 'extfpuirq' plugin device past virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'harddrv' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[HD   ] HD on ata0-0: 'disks\c.img' 'flat' mode
        00000000000i[HD   ] CD on ata0-ane: 'DISKS\Win2kPro.iso'
        00000000000i[CD   ] load cdrom with path=DISKS\Win2kPro.iso
        00000000000i[CD   ] Opening image file as a cd
        00000000000i[CD   ] Using straight access for CDROM
        00000000000i[HD   ] Media present in CD-ROM drive
        00000000000i[Hard disk drive   ] translation on ata0-0 set to 'lba'
        00000000000i[HD   ] Boot device will exist 'cdrom'
        00000000000i[Hard disk   ] Floppy boot signature check is enabled
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'keyboard' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[KBD  ] will paste characters every 1000 keyboard ticks
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'serial' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[SER  ] com1 at 0x3f8/eight irq iv
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'parallel' plugin device past virtual method
        00000000000i[PAR  ] parallel port 1 at 0x378
        00000000000i[     ] init_dev of 'extfpuirq' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'harddrv' plugin device past virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'keyboard' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'serial' plugin device past virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
        00000000000i[     ] reset of 'extfpuirq' plugin device past virtual method
        00000004256i[BIOS ]  rombios.c,v 1.85.2.i 2003/01/sixteen 21:58:42 cbothamy Exp $
        00000375073i[KBD  ] reset-disable command received
        00053487738i[Hd   ] enabling LBA mode
        00053493809i[BIOS ] ata0-0: PCHS=20317/xvi/63 translation=lba LCHS=1024/255/63
        00053512941i[HD   ] enabling LBA mode
        00053540006i[BIOS ] CDROM boot failure code : 0004
        00053545347i[BIOS ] Boot from CD-Rom failed
        00053553059i[BIOS ] FATAL: Could non read the kick deejay
        00053553358p[BIOS ] >>PANIC<< BIOS panic at rombios.c, line 1563

        I call up I'll try petty with my IPS setting some more and maybe recreate my prototype files.

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